Bachata By The Sea

Bachata By The Sea is one of Bay Area’s largest Bachata events and takes place a couple of times per year during the summer months. It’s hosted by Bachata Sentimiento and it takes place by the Santa Cruz Beach Wharf and it’s a free community event. Many hundreds of dancers join us each time to share their love and passion for Bachata.

We’re teaching our Bachata workshop from 3:00-4:00 pm and we’re hosting the social dancing from 4:00-7:00 pm. Come and join us for some fun-in-the-sun Bachata!

If you want to get the Facebook invite when we host the event this year, please Like our Facebook page and you will be notified when the event is created:

We usually also make announcements of this nature on our Facebook group which you can join here:

Bachata By The Sea